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Dolls at Estate Sales

Estate Sale Tips, Tricks & More July 21, 2022

For many collectors, dolls are not just playthings but also works of art. They can be made from natural materials such as wood and bone, or manmade like fabric and plastic. The price of the doll depends on its age, condition, materials used to make it and other factors involved in determining its value. Some rare dolls have been found in ancient tombs dating back thousands of years! These dolls were often buried with their owners so they could take care of them in the afterlife.”

Doll Shopping

Shopping for Dolls at estate sales can be a fun and exciting experience.

You never know what kind of treasures you will find at an estate sale! Here are some tips for finding that perfect doll.

If you’re new to estate sales, here are some tips for finding that perfect doll.

  • Don’t pass up the smaller estate sales. Large estate sales are great for finding lots of items at once, but they can also be crowded and chaotic. Smaller sales tend to attract fewer people, which means more time and space to browse in peace—and usually less competition over the best items!
  • Check out the neighbors’ houses as well as their own property. Most people have a neighbor who collects something similar or related to what they themselves collect and may have left behind some treasures when they moved out!
  • Visit stores near your house and ask if they’ve ever had an estate sale before: sometimes these places clear out unused stock by having a sale where everything must go (including prices). You may be able to find some affordable things there instead of spending money on shipping costs or storage fees!

Additions to your Doll Collection

Adding to your collection or starting one for the very first time is fun and easy with a little information about what to look for and where to buy. Buying from an estate sale is just one way of finding these collectibles.

Adding to your collection or starting one for the very first time is fun and easy with a little information about what to look for and where to buy. Buying from an estate sale is just one way of finding these collectibles, but if you’d like more information on how to get started collecting dolls, check out our article [here](

If you’ve already begun adding doll items to your collection, we’ve got some tips on how to price them:

  • Start by checking eBay listings for similar items in order to get an idea of market value. This will help give you an idea of whether or not it’s worth investing in something pricier than what’s currently listed online (if there are any).
  • Always do research when buying anything secondhand—especially if it’s something valuable! Know as much as possible about what makes each particular item worth money before making purchase decisions since this could save yourself time later down the road when trying sell it again; think about why someone would want this specific brand over others available on market today–are they trending popular because they’re new? Or maybe because people want cheaper versions without sacrificing quality craftsmanship compared other cheaper alternatives out there today?

Knowing Your Dolls

  • There are many different kinds of dolls and each has characteristics that make it unique. When buying vintage dolls, knowing the history of the doll and its condition can help you determine its value and worth.
  • Dolls are made from different materials, including cloth, wood, glass and plastic. The material used to make a doll will affect how much it costs. A wooden cloth or even plastic doll may be inexpensive compared to an expensive porcelain one.
  • The size of a doll is another factor affecting price; larger ones are more valuable than smaller ones because they’re harder to find at estate sales or thrift stores (or if you run across them on eBay). You’ll notice that most antique dolls are small—about 12 inches tall–but there are some exceptions: Madame Alexander collector’s series dolls average 18 inches in height while Madame Alexander’s fashion darlings range from 16-20 inches tall depending on their style (such as “Dolly Madison” or “Cinderella”).” These last two categories often sell for hundreds rather than dozens of dollars due to their popularity among collectors who collect specific types of clothing styles associated with certain eras in history.”

Estate sale companies often sell dolls in their sales, as well as other types of trained professionals specializing in antique dolls’ sale and auction. Doing your homework before making a purchase can save you much time, money, and grief in the long run.

Authenticate your treasure by having it appraised by someone with knowledge of their construction, age, pricing, and condition factors that contribute to the doll’s value. Delicate fabrics and special construction techniques were used in making antique dolls

An important point to note is that while a doll may look beautiful on its own merits alone (the way a painting would), this doesn’t necessarily mean that its value will be high enough for you to sell it at an acceptable price or even at all if you decide to part ways with it later on down the road.

Authenticating Dolls

Delicate fabrics and special construction techniques were used in making antique dolls. Authenticate your treasure by having it appraised by someone with knowledge of their construction, age, pricing, and condition factors that contribute to the doll’s value.

If you’re looking to buy an antique doll, it’s important to know what to look for. Always ask the seller about their knowledge of the construction and age of their dolls. Find out if they’ve had them appraised before, and if so, where can you find a similar appraisal? If there are any cracks in the porcelain or clay face—which are common in old dolls—ask how well it has been repaired. A reputable antique dealer will be honest with you about what kind of condition your treasure is in.

In addition to caring for your antique doll properly, make sure that its space is safe from potential damage as well. Antiques should never be stored near extreme heat sources such as radiators or fireplaces because this could cause cracking or warping over time! If you are hosting an estate sale with dolls let our Estate Appraisers experts help!

Many rare dolls are made by artists who want to preserve history through the creation of these lifelike replicas looking like they just stepped out of another era! When shopping for rare dolls take good care when choosing a dealer you can trust to sell you an authentic product at a fair price.

This is especially important if purchasing an antique doll because it can be hard to tell if your doll is real or fake and there’s no way to know for sure unless it has been authenticated.


With so many different types of dolls and doll makers to choose from, it can be hard to know where to start. I hope these few tips have helped you find your next treasure!

If you are looking for help in running an Estate Sale feel free to contact us. We’d love to help!

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